Willmil11's world

Hello there

Hello there, i'm Willmil11, i am a young teen french programmer that loves coding, for instance the website you are on right now is made by me you can see my coding style it's super responsive and all, it's made from all vanilla no framwork hate those... So basically i'm a self-taught software engineer but also a gamer, i like to play games like Minecraft, Fortnite but MOSTLY Zelda breath of wild, i don't like the new tears of the kingdom tho i prefer breath of the wild for me it's the mvp of the zelda games. I speak english and french, don't like school but still good at it, I don't have many friends and i think that's all about me :)

My projects

I have many projects, right now i have a few, here's a little list of them:

  • Easynodes: A node.js module that i published on npm, it's purpose is to make everything in node.js easy. I consider it completed because it works and it's released but don't worry updates are still comming :) (Link)
  • Readyserver: A node.js module that i published on npm, it's the successor to @willmil11/webserver which is deprecated go check it out on npm it's one of my best modules yet. (Link)
  • OnlineCraft: That's a minecraft copy with different textures and stuff to avoid copyright it's far from completed it doesn't work very well but it has a lot of potential, i'm going to work on it again soon. (Link) warning tho: It's in dev and i'm devlopping on production meaning you get the changes as i code them meaning it's really unstable. The thing that is revolutionnary is that you don't NEED to install it it's all in the web but i'll probably make an electron installable version one day.
  • WebCrafty: I'm making a game engine also in the web but i'll probably also create an electron installable version one day. It's basically a game engine for 2D and 3D games, so you can create games and it will give you an html and js file ready to deploy. At the moment i'm writing this nothing is working i'm still working on the account system but it'll probably be ok soon i don't know if i'll update this portafolio soon so better check if it's ok now. (Link)
  • CoolOS: I'm making an operating system in node.js based on linux, basically it's the most basic alpine linux that boots up in a node.js os container. Still in devloppement.
  • WorkTimer: This is completed, here's how it works: you start it then you work for 10min then it makes a sound so you rest for 5 minutes scroll tiktok or something then it makes another sound then you start it again and you do that until you're done with your work. It's very useful for school work or work in general. (Link)

I probably have some more that i forgot about lol. But that's the main ones.

My coding skills

I'm a self-taught software engineer, i specialised myself in javascript i do frontend and backend, i'm not a stylist but my frontend design are still pretty good i would say, i'm very very good at backend tho i'm a master at node.js i know everything about it, i'm also starting to learn python and it's ok but i don't like it too much. It's good and powerfull but it's not my style.

Contact me

You can contact me on discord: willmil11#8988, i also have an email: willmil1110@gmail.com.